New Fantasy Pesis rules

Starting on 28th June the new rules and scoring will apply. I am still trying to work out how this game will be played on the internet, but you can always keep your own score or message me with your lineup to be part of our testing team. 1. Starting lineup Pick 12 players for your starting lineup. 1 player must be a pitcher, 4 players must be infielders (1st basemen, 2nd basemen, 3rd basemen and catchers), 2 players must be shortstops, 2 players must be outfielders and 3 players must be jokers. 2. Substitutes You can choose up to 3 players to act as substitutes if a player from your starting lineup does not play any games for their team during the week (for example if they are injured). A substitute can play in any fielding position. A joker cannot be substituted by another player unless they are also a joker. The substitute with the highest points scored that week will be the first choice to be substituted in the event that a player in the starting lineup does not play. 3. Final lineu...