

Almost all information is in Suomi, so unless you speak it, it’s google.translate to the rescue!

Podcast - the only English language podcast dedicated to pesäpallo and Superpesis.

Superpesis is the top division of the national Pesäpallo competition and contains men’s and women’s leagues.

Great introduction pages in English and lots of information on the game outside of the Superpesis

Live scores and match information

Includes highlights of selected matches and other clips

Team sites

Hyvinkään Tahko

Imatran Pallo-Veikot

Joensuun Maila

Kankaanpään Maila

Kempeleen Kiri

Kiteen Pallo -90

Koskenkorvan Urheilijat

Kouvolan Pallonlyöjät

Manse PP, Tampere

Pattijoen Urheilijat, Raahe

Seinäjoen JymyJussit

SiIlinjärven Pesis

Sotkamon Jymy

Vimpeli Veto


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