Performance rankings 22nd to 28th July 2019

Performance rankings
22nd to 28th July 2019

With only 2 more weeks left in the regular season, now is the time teams need to step up in order to have momentum to carry them through the post season or relegation series. Here are last weeks performance rankings.

1st Joensuun Maila
Joensuu make it 2 in a row at topping our performance rankings, gaining maximum points in the week with wins against IPV and Kitee. The reigning champions look set to give a good fight to try and retain their crown and are hitting their stride at just the right time. JoMa seem able to beat anyone on any given day, but their competition is on such good form as well, it will be a tough postseason to predict.

2nd Sotkamon Jymy
Sotkamo leapfrog Vimpeli in terms of performance ranking, but their position in the league is also very tight. Since the East v West break KPL have slipped from the top spot to allow Vimpeli to stake their claim. Sotkamo have had a very strong couple of weeks, but their dramatic win over KPL slots them into 2nd on our performance rankings.

3rd Vimpelin Veto
Vimpeli had a good week last week, but against weaker opponents than JoMa and Sotkamo. Vimpeli’s 3 point win against Kempele was all but expected given their form at present, whereas their 2 point win of Seinäjoki was just shy of the great performance one would look for in a league leader.

Worst performance - Kempeleen Kiri

Kempele are now in serious trouble, sinking to the relegation end of the table. Kempele had a tough week - Yes, but every week seems to be a tough week for them at the moment. Kempele have to lift themselves up and score big this week to start turning their season back into less treacherous waters.


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