Power rankings - 26th July to 1st August 2021

It’s less than 7 days until the Itä v Länsi Allstar game and things are hotting up in the regular season. Who shot up the power rankings last week? And who was left searching for answers?

1st Manse PP, Tampere

If you only watch one game this season, go back ad watch the intense matchup between Manse and Sotkamo last Friday. The game could easily hav easily been mistaken for being a final, with such great plays and hits. The back and fore eventually swung in Manse’s favour in the first jakso and despite a spirited effort from Sotkamo, Manse pulled off the win… not before Sotkamo denied them the chance at 3 points however! In other games, Manse made light work of Kitee and SiiPe, taking a total of 8 points from the 3 games.

2nd Kempeleen Kiri

Kempele are this year’s dark horses and threaten to shake up the usual top 8 and claim their first playoff spot. Kempele continues to improve with each season and last week’s win over Vimpeli away puts them in 2nd place in the power rankings, despite losing their other game in the week to Seinäjoki. 

3rd Vimpelin Veto

A tough loss to Kempele at home drops ViVe in the power rankings, but only down to 3rd. Vimpeli managed to take 3 points against Kitee, who are hoping to make a dash fo the top 8. Vimpeli are still the team to beat, with dominant hitting and great fielding/pitching. 

Worst performance - Pattijoen Urheilijat, Raahe

PattU has the misfortune of having had matches cancelled last week against Hamina and this meant that their loss to Seinäjoki puts them bottom of the power rankings. PattU will be brushing this off as an anomaly and hope to retain their place in the top 8 this coming week.

Full Power Rankings

The full rankings for last week are:


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