Announcement - 1 year of the blog

Anniversary thanks

Today marks the anniversary for my first post on this blog. It was 29th June 2019 that my first game review between Joensuu and Sotkamo was published. Since then the blog has had a huge following from a great number of countries around the world. As well as that, i have also started the Superpesis Roundup Twitter account and more recently the first ever podcast about pesäpallo in English.

During the last year I have got to know some fantastic people and it has been a real privilege to talk to them. I want to thank my co-hosts for the podcast Mikko Pirhonen and Ron Bronson for their support and the great conversations that we have on the best sport in the world. I also want to give a special thanks to 2 people for supporting and engaging with me from the start of my Twitter journey (when the blog became more widely available) - Antti Haapasalo and Juha Puhtimäki.

Antti has been an excellent ambassador for expanding the word of pesäpallo and does a fantastic job at Superpesis. Juha, perhaps the most iconic and high profile name in the sport, was kind enough to give up his time to do an interview with me for this blog when I am a completely insignificant person. Both have been very encouraging and I am grateful for their support.

Finally there is one person who I owe everything to; my wonderful wife. She has supported me and encouraged me even when it has meant that she has sacrificed her time.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me and read these posts. I look forward to many more years of content and more adventures!


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