The Champions

The Men’s Superpesis Champions 2019 - Joensuun Maila Photograph from Joensuu Facebook (c) Joensuun Maila 2019 The Champions As the dust settles one team remains as champions of the men’s Superpesis 2019 - Joensuun Maila. Having secured 4th in the table by some margin during the regular season, Joensuu swept Hyvinkään Tahko and Vimpelin Veto to reach this years final against Sotkamon Jymy. The final was tight game to game, with 2 of the games going to supervuoro and 1 game with a tied jakso, but ultimately Joensuun Maila were too much for Sotkamo and took the series 3-1. But who are some of the key people behind the team? What does it mean to be a member of the Joensuun Maila championship winning side? The magnificent Kerubi Stadion Photograph from Joensuu Facebook (c) Joensuun Maila 2019 Joensuun Maila Joensuun Maila was founded in 1958, originally named Karjalan Maila, in the city of Joensuu in North Karelia in the East of Finland. Joensuu has a decent size pop...