Reasons to be thankful: Happy Thanksgiving

Hyvinkää were thankful that Juha Korhonen’s bat was able to overcome the team’s leaky defence As someone growing up in the UK I never had much knowledge about thanksgiving other than reference to sitcoms or movies. But the one thing that I have always admired is the central message of the holiday - reflecting on things to be grateful for and showing thank and appreciation to others. Despite the historical or political contexts that often overshadow Thanksgiving, or NFL games for that matter, the central message is one I believe is of benefit to all. This year has been a terrible one for many people around the world and many people have suffered in a number of years; perhaps this year more than eve, it is important to reflect on what we are thankful for and highlight the positives that we still cling to in our darkest times. For me, I am truly thankful for being welcomed into the Pesis community and getting to talk to some amazing ad insightful people about a sport I love so much. B...