Featured games schedule for 2020

JoMa start their defence of their title against IPV on 2nd July 2020 Photograph from Joensuu Facebook (c) Joensuun Maila 2019 With the season schedule now available I have drawn up a list of the games that will be my “featured games” for review during the season. Whilst I would love to write reviews for all of them, sadly this is not possible. I have tried to be balanced with which teams I review and look at the most meaningful or interesting of the games up and down the league. Of course, the post season is different and I intend to follow the same pattern as last year, doing short posts for some games and full reviews for others. If there are any games you would like me to cover as part of my reviews, please comment or contact me on Twitter. Date Home V Away 2nd July 2020 Joensuun Maila - Imatran Pallo-Veikot 4th July 2020 Kankaanpään Maila - Hyvinkään Tahko 7th July 2020 Sotkamon Jymy - Vimpelin Vet...