The Roundup - 28th October to 11th November 2019

The roundup 28th October to 11th November 2019 The big stories The Halli-SM (indoor championship series) commences in January The groupings for the group stage and dates for the tournament have been released as a curtain raiser to the 2020 Superpesis season. The groups are: Group A (3 teams) Kempeleen Kiri Pattijoen Urheilijat, Raahe Sotkamon Jymy Group B (4 teams) Joensuun Maila Imatran Pallo-Veikot Kiteen Pallo -90 Siilinjärven Pesis Group C (4 teams) Kankaanpään Maila Koskenkorvan Urheilijat Seinäjoen JymyJussit Vimpelin Veto Group D (3 teams) Kouvolan Pallonlyöjat Tampere Manse PP Hyvinkään Tahko Full details are available on the Superpesis website - Superpesis Roundup will give the tournament full coverage and new articles and posts will appear over the winter holidays as well as throughout the tournament. Sotkamon Jymy and Oulun Lippo have signed a farm deal 2019 Silver me...